How 24-year-old earning $50,000 in North Dakota spends her time and money

How 24-year-old earning $50,000 in North Dakota spends her time and money

New York City; Washington, D.C.; and Salt Lake City are some of the most popular places new grads want to live after college, but not everyone aspires to life in the city.

Take Madi Lee, 24, who graduated in 2022 and found herself working in Medora, North Dakota — popoulation: 121.

Medora is a tourist town near Theodore Roosevelt National Park where the busy season brings in thousands of visitors. But the overall quieter setting means Lee can afford a quality of life she couldn’t elsewhere, she says, even while making friends, dating and building a future for herself there.

After visiting as a kid and returning for summer jobs during college, Lee, who studied to become a high school math teacher, now works for the Theodore Roosevelt Medora Foundation, a nonprofit that promotes travel and tourism to the town.

She now earns roughly $50,000 per year before overtime as a ticketing and reservations manager.

“I’m really happy with how everything worked out,” Lee says.

Low cost of living but higher everyday prices

Making friends and dating in a small town

Despite its small size, there are actually a lot of young people in Medora.

Most residents are either in their 20s or 65-plus, according to Census data, and many of those on the younger side work alongside Lee in the tourism industry.

Many of her friends in town are co-workers who started off as seasonal employees and moved to Medora after college, Lee says, “so we really had the opportunity to become friends going into the same experience together of living somewhere in a unique little town.”

Lee and her friends make frequent trips to the Theodore Roosevelt National Park to hike, stargaze and catch the northern lights.

“We’re in such a remote place that the sky is incredible,” Lee says.

Medora is so remote that Madi Lee has been able to catch the northern lights.

Winters are harder when the town is empty and the weather is harsh, but Lee lives in the same building as many of her friends, so they hang out all the time.

Making friends may be easy, but the dating scene is a little trickier. Lee says that dating people who become your co-workers comes with the territory.

“It’s definitely interesting dating in such a small town” and having to consider “this is someone who I’m going to continue to see at work,” she says.

Even so, she’s remained cordial and professional with her exes, and many of them remain good friends.

That being said, Lee says she’ll likely consider expanding her dating pool to neighboring towns in the future.

Building a career and future

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