Indian refiners test FOWE’s emulsion tech to clean dirty bunker fuel, ET EnergyWorld


New Delhi, Indian oil refineries have initiated tests of fuel emulsion systems from a Monaco-based company to clean highly polluting bunker fuel as they eye significant benefits, including substantial fuel cost savings and a reduction in environmental impact of the high carbon-emitting fuel used in ships. Two state-owned oil firms deployed Fowe Eco Solutions’ (FOWE) patented Cavitech devices at their refinery and depot installations to check the result of emulsified fuel oil (bunker fuel), sources aware of the matter said.

Trials showed substantial reduction in emissions and better fuel efficiency, they said, adding the refiners are now looking at tests for its commercial use.

Requiring very little initial investment and eliminating the need for installation downtime, the FOWE uses a process known as cavitation using its Cavitech device, which allows emulsification of fuel oil, also known as furnace oil, with fresh water. This process, which does not require any additives or further processing, can be carried on land or onboard a ship.

The system enables stable and permanent emulsions to be produced without the use of additives. The 15 per cent water emulsion showed potential improvement in average fuel consumption of up to 6 per cent.

The technology has been used in Europe and in large ships run on fuel oil.

Monaco-based shipping company Scorpio Tankers last year signed an agreement to install FOWE fuel emulsion systems across its entire fleet of over 100 vessels. The Cavitech device allows each vessel to produce emulsified bunker oil on board.

For Scorpio, the move is expected to result in an overall reduction of at least 3 per cent in fuel costs and 100,000 tonnes of carbon emissions annually.

Sources said Indian refiners are hoping to replicate the results.

Besides being used as fuel in ships, fuel oil is also an industrial fuel.

Tests have seen a considerable reduction in particulate matter. Emissions of NOx, the main greenhouse gas contributors, are significantly reduced and fuel efficiency is improved.

The emulsified fuel using FOWE technology uses ordinary water and no chemicals and results in 8 to 10 per cent better heat recovery that leads to much lower consumption of the fuel. It produces near-zero particulate matter in fuel gas exhaust while SOx is reduced by about 40 per cent and NOx by around 30 per cent.

Tests, sources said, have concluded that in comparison with traditional petroleum fuel, the emulsified fuel is better based on five criteria including reduction of NOx, effect on particulate emissions, oil dilution, and variability of water addition expenditure.

FOWE, headquartered in Monaco with offices also in Mumbai and Dubai, is focused on improving the environmental footprint of large energy-driven corporations.

FOWE has developed and patented technology that emulsifies fuel oil (furnace oil) and diesel with water allowing for its use in boilers, power generation engines and large-size DG sets (2/4 stroke engines). This greatly economizes fuel consumption thereby reducing the emission of air pollutants into the environment.

The FOWE’s Cavitech technology has been utilized at a European refinery for the use of emulsion that included 15 per cent water in their boiler. The refinery achieved a fuel reduction of almost 9 per cent. The technology has also been in use on large ocean sailing cargo ships for their propulsion and power generation sets.

This is a unique technology, and the ensuing emulsification is completely stable. The emulsion has been kept in storage within a laboratory setting for over a year and has remained stable with no sign of separation. Mixing water to emulsify reduces the total calorific value. However, due to its presence, nano droplets in the homogeneous emulsion achieve full atomization.

This ensures the complete burning of fuel and thereby compensates for the loss of calorific value caused by using water. By creating molecular-level bonding by nano water droplets, water assists in achieving a greater burning efficiency and release of energy, it added.

  • Published On Jan 26, 2025 at 11:13 PM IST

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