How MPs give themselves a lift

Ruminating on the rhythms of summer


Mark Southcott of Thirroul is at one with nature: “Awakened at 5am by early summer light and screaming cicadas. Too early to get up, no chance of more sleep. But as the insects’ noise pulses in slow, thrumming waves, it’s quite easy to synchronise your breathing in time with them, clear your mind and meditate. Not quite the path to enlightenment, grasshopper, but relaxing nonetheless. Now excuse me, I have to get up to feed the cat.”

We were hoping for a bit of entertaining argy-bargy when Donald Hawes of Peel fell foul of Janet Fowler on the subject of charity shops (C8), but sadly, he’s gone for the conciliatory approach: “Aarrr, Janet Fowler: Anastasia (previously cited as ‘the wife’) could run rings around me with ‘er degrees an’ writin’ and other stuff. We both have respect for all volunteers, in any capacity, and ‘ave a chat with ’em when possible. Oor gripe is with top management (not the local gentlemen and ladies) and the directed overpricing in some o’ them op shop chains. Oi be ever ‘umbled and grateful to you for puttin’ me to rights. Donald Chauvin Hawes.”

“After wrestling with Putin rhymes (C8), all of those budding C8 poets laureate will be glad that Vlad is with Bashar al-Assad,” reckons George Manojlovic of Mangerton.

John McCartney’s mention of “the Manly Silbers” (C8) on Monday engendered much mirth in God’s country: “Gus and I were delighted to be mentioned in C8!” exclaims Rhoda Silber. “Our youngest sibling, Harold, is visiting from Israel for our first family reunion in 34 years and is impressed with your knowledge of B’nai B’rith and says howzit and shalom.”

13 minutes later, Harold chipped in: “Today I was inaugurated into ‘the Manly Silbers’ club – now we just need to see my name in C8 please Granny!”

It’s no wonder Ron Burke (C8) got such a nonplussed reaction when asking for “hen fruit” at Woolies. According to Paul Taylor of Winston Hills, Garry Thomas of Oatlands, William Galton of Hurstville Grove and Tony Powell of MacMasters Beach, he should have asked for cackleberries. Or, if you’re David Williams of Port Macquarie, bum nuts. There goes our appetite.

Forget about getting a visit from Satan (C8), Josephine Piper of Miranda recalls that “as children we loved to change the words of the carols. A favourite was: ‘While shepherds washed their socks by night …’”

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