Chennai: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin on Tuesday said he never met industrialist Gautam Adani and sought to know if the BJP and its ally, the PMK, were prepared for a joint parliamentary committee (JPC) probe on the Adani issue. Responding to a question raised by PMK leader G K Mani in the Assembly, Stalin said he had no connection whatsoever with the industrialist whom the PMK and the BJP were spreading a ‘misinformation’ campaign that he had links.
“Electricity Minister Senthil Balaji has already explained in a detailed manner. I and Adani have no ties at all. Are you prepared for a JPC probe on the issue,” Stalin asked, pointing at Mani.
The Congress and some other opposition parties have been demanding a JPC probe following the indictment of Adani and other company officials in a US court over bribery allegations.
Initially, Assembly Speaker M Appavu declined to allow Mani to raise the issue, which was already in Parliament.
However, the PMK legislator insisted that the Adani indictment was a serious issue and that the chief minister should himself clarify his position.
Responding, the chief minister said Mani and his party leaders have been speaking on this subject outside the Assembly too.
“I expected Mani to say all that in the House but he didn’t. Probably he came to know the truth. I have no contact with Adani. He has not met me nor have I seen him. What further explanation do you require?” Stalin asked the PMK Floor leader.
Flaying the opposition parties, the chief minister said “to those attempting to tarnish this government’s image by spreading rumours on the group’s investment in Tamil Nadu, I wish to ask, are you prepared for a JPC inquiry and also discuss it in Parliament?”
Later, the PMK members staged a walkout from the Assembly House claiming the chief minister’s reply was unsatisfactory.