20.58 lakh new employees enrolled under ESI scheme in Sept as jobs rise in formal sector, ETCFO

20.58 lakh new employees enrolled under ESI scheme in Sept as jobs rise in formal sector, ETCFO


<p>New Delhi, Nov 19 (IANS) As many as 20.58 lakh new employees were enrolled under the Employees' State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) scheme during September this year, reflecting the higher number of jobs being created in the organised sector of the Indian economy, according to data released by the Ministry of Labour and Employment on Tuesday.</p>
New Delhi, Nov 19 (IANS) As many as 20.58 lakh new employees were enrolled under the Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) scheme during September this year, reflecting the higher number of jobs being created in the organised sector of the Indian economy, according to data released by the Ministry of Labour and Employment on Tuesday.

New Delhi, As many as 20.58 lakh new employees were enrolled under the Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) scheme during September this year, reflecting the higher number of jobs being created in the organised sector of the Indian economy, according to data released by the Ministry of Labour and Employment on Tuesday. The data shows that out of the total 20.58 lakh employees added during the month, 10.05 lakh employees amounting to around 48.83 per cent of the total registrations belong to the age group of up to 25 years.

The figures also show that 23,043 new establishments have been brought under the social security ambit of the ESI Scheme in September, thus ensuring social security to more workers, the ministry said in a statement.

Further, the year-on-year analysis shows a growth of 9 per cent in net registrations compared to September 2023.

Also, the gender-wise analysis of the payroll data indicates that the net enrolment of female members was 3.91 lakh in September. Besides, a total of 64 transgender employees have also registered under the ESI Scheme in the month of September, which “attests to the commitment of ESIC to deliver its benefits to every section of the society,” the statement added.

The payroll data is provisional since the data generation is a continuous exercise and could be updated with more statistics coming in, according to the statement.

The increase in October comes as 20.74 lakh new workers were enrolled under the Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) scheme in August, a 6.80 per cent growth in net registrations year-on-year.

Out of the total 20.74 lakh employees added during the month, 9.89 lakh employees — or around 47.68 per cent of the total registrations — belong to the age group of up to 25 years.

The gender-wise analysis of the payroll data showed that the net enrolment of female members was 4.14 lakh in August. Besides, a total of 60 transgender employees also got registered under the ESI scheme.



  • Published On Nov 19, 2024 at 06:30 PM IST

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