India’s retail inflation eased to a 12-month low of 4.75 percent on an annual basis in May, down slightly from an 11-month low of 4.83 percent in April, according to data released by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation on Wednesday. However, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation in May 2024 is higher than the 4.31 percent recorded in May 2023.
With this decrease, retail inflation has remained within the Reserve Bank of India‘s (RBI) target range of 2-6 percent since September 2023. The rural and urban inflation rates for May stood at 5.28 percent and 4.15 percent, respectively. The Consumer Food Price Index (CFPI) inflation was marginally down to 8.69 percent from 8.70 percent in April 2024.
Headline inflation has seen a sequential moderation since February 2024, albeit within a narrow range—from 5.1 percent in February to 4.8 percent in April 2024. The inflation rate for vegetables moderated slightly to 27.3 percent year-on-year, compared to 27.8 percent in April.
For cereals and pulses, which form a significant part of India’s staple diet, the inflation rates were 8.69 percent and 17.14 percent, respectively. The fuel and light inflation rate contracted to 3.83 percent in May, compared to a contraction of 4.24 percent in April. Inflation rates for the clothing & footwear and housing sectors were 2.74 percent and 2.56 percent, respectively.
Earlier this month, the RBI projected CPI inflation for 2024-25 at 4.5 percent, with quarterly estimates of 4.9 percent for Q1, 3.8 percent for Q2, 4.6 percent for Q3, and 4.5 percent for Q4. In its latest monetary policy review, the RBI’s Monetary Policy Committee maintained its FY25 inflation projection at 4.5 percent but noted that food prices could continue to be sticky.