Urban unemployment drops slightly to 6.7% in Q4FY24; female labour force participation rises further, ETCFO

Urban unemployment drops slightly to 6.7% in Q4FY24; female labour force participation rises further, ETCFO


Urban unemployment declined to 6.7% in the last quarter of FY24 compared with 6.8% in Q4FY23, according to periodic labour force survey data released Wednesday.

Sequentially, there was a pick up in the unemployment rate from 6.5% in the previous quarter.

The rise in the unemployment rate compared with the previous quarter can be attributed to a relative slowing down of activity in the last quarter of the year.

“This is mainly due to layoffs in certain segments like IT, telecom, start-ups, etc, in white-collar jobs. For blue-collar, people returned to villages to aid in the preparation of harvests. Also, construction slowed down with high inventory levels there,” said Madan Sabnavis, chief economist, Bank of Baroda.

The Indian economy is likely to grow 7.6% in FY24. It registered 8.2% growth in the first three quarters of the year.

There was an improvement in female unemployment, which dropped to 8.5% in the January-March 2024 period from 8.6% in Q3FY24 and 9.2% during the similar period last year.

In terms of labour force participation, women witnessed an improvement, with the labour force participation rate rising to its highest level of 25.6% since the start of the series in 2017.

On the other hand, the male unemployment rate rose to 6.1% from 5.8% in Q3FY24 and 6% in Q4 of the previous fiscal.

The sequential rise in the unemployment rate in the younger age cohort of 15-29-year-olds was even greater, with the proportion of unemployed individuals rising to 17% from 16.5%/

Female unemployment in this age group went up to 22.7% in Q4FY24 from 22.5% in Q3. For males, it rose to 15.1% from 14.6%.

Of the total employed population, 48.7% were employed in regular wage or salaried work, and only 10.8% were employed in casual labour.

The proportion of self-employed in the working population has been rising, as 40.5% were self-employed in the fourth quarter of the fiscal compared with 39.5% during the similar period last year.

Twelve of 22 states had a higher unemployment rate than the national average. Jammu and Kashmir had the highest unemployment rate at 11%, followed by Kerala at 10.7% and Rajasthan at 9.6%.

The highest rise in the unemployment rate was witnessed by Punjab, where unemployment rose 1.3 percentage points to 7.7% from 6.4% in the previous quarter.

Himachal Pradesh, on the other hand, witnessed a 3.2 percentage point drop in unemployment to 9.1% in Q4FY24.

Delhi had the lowest unemployment rate at 1.8%, followed by Karnataka at 4.1%–home to India’s tech capital Bengaluru.

In terms of female unemployment, 11 of 22 states had double-digit unemployment.

Delhi and Haryana had the lowest unemployment rate for women in urban areas.

  • Published On May 16, 2024 at 09:17 AM IST

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