Let’s talk about the elephant in the room … our very own mainstream media and respected authority figures like politicians, judges and police (“PM must face down trio of evils: expert”, April 30). Highlights of the recent Lehrmann trial; a major TV network and national publisher both ran a clear anti-Brittany Higgins agenda, the police were implicated in the (alleged) leaking of confidential information against the victim and despite Justice Lee’s dismissal of a political cover-up, the LNP did not come out of the saga well and the investigation run by Morrison’s office was never released. That’s on top of their historical record of sexist attacks against Julia Gillard and the current opposition leader’s verbal criticisms of Samantha Maiden and Sarah Hanson-Young.
There is a large percentage of Australians who watch that network, who read that paper, who vote for these politicians, who willingly joined in the pile-on of victims like Brittany Higgins, Grace Tame, Rosie Batty, Yassmin Abdel-Magied. So enough with the generic statements and abstract villains like Andrew Tate, let’s look in the mirror and call out those in our own backyard. We can never put out the fire if we allow the usual suspects to continue to fan the flames of our long-running DV crisis. Phil Bradshaw, Naremburn
Justice Michael Lee is considered by advocates to have called out rape myths in his judgment in the Lehrmann v Network Ten case.Credit: SMH
Abstract notions of the rights of alleged offenders have dominated bail law settings. “The gaols are too full” and other arguments have held sway for decades. There is a simple question that should be put to those who fail to actively support a new bail system for violent men: how many days of liberty on bail is a single woman’s life worth? What’s the balance? That’s the question that we have been answering every day under our current bail laws. But the lawyers and legislators shy away from the brutality of such a question. Frankly, if the question was given to actuaries, not lawyers, there will be a number, ratio, a girlfriend death-to-liberty ratio. How important is that right to walk the street when the walker perpetrates violence, and how important is that liberty and power to us as a society? To most of us, we prefer the woman gets to live. We have to get real, get bail reform out of the hands of the lawyers, and make it happen fast. Chris Robson, Glebe
I believe that before men commit an act of violence against a person, there is a long history of emotional and mental turbulence which precedes it. Self-destructive behaviour will often find its outlet in violence, and women and children are a soft target, especially if the man is struggling with loss of power and meaning in himself and is under the influence of drugs and alcohol. Yes, there are many explanations for male violence, such as the outdated models of masculinity pedalled by the influential and toxic voices of men like Andrew Tate, or the violence they witnessed and were subjected to as children. But knowing the cause does not necessarily change the behaviour. By reducing the stigma of mental health, acknowledging that life can be overwhelming difficult at times, and funding low-cost, easily accessible mental health support groups, perhaps modelled on AA and led by a psychologist, might prevent a struggling and self-destructive person from committing that ultimate act of physical violence. Lyndall Nelson, Goulburn
Criminologist Michael Salter makes a valid point in saying that politicians need to take a wider view of the factors contributing to domestic violence. One factor that has received scant attention is poverty. The Mincome experiment in Manitoba, Canada, in the late 1970s, found that domestic violence fell by over 30 per cent when families received a guaranteed basic income. This finding has been supported by studies in Mexico, Brazil, Alaska and Kenya. Politicians would be well advised to include reducing poverty as part of their campaign to reduce domestic violence. George Rosier, Carlingford
In my previous working life as a clinical psychologist, I became increasingly aware that our current society has a big problem with many of its boys failing to mature into emotionally and psychologically competent adults. But I do see a significant problem and that is the lack of positive male role models in their life. Some boys growing up have terrible male role models; then there are other boys who have an absence of male role models. While there are some fantastic single mums out there, there are others who are struggling for a number of reasons to raise their boys and need more support over and above mental health referrals for “anger management”.
Mums, grandmothers and the majority of primary school teachers can tell boys how to treat women but they can’t show boys how to treat women. My father was as tough as nails and swore like a
trooper when out in the boat with his fishing mates. But he never swore at home and never once did I see him raise his voice in anger towards my mother. I looked up to my father with great admiration and grew up believing, as he did, that all women were to be treated with respect. Melvyn Tuckey, Mandurah (WA)
The front page of the Herald yesterday had headlines and images of protestors calling for the nation to solve the issue of domestic violence. There was also a small article about how a group of mates have a table reserved for them – “for the lads” – every weekend. Their last drinking session ended in violence. Our society needs to join the dots. When we mix alcohol and testosterone with our own homegrown concepts of masculinity, then anything can happen. Nothing much good happens after that first drink. Neil Quinn, Vincentia
Anthony Albanese might be copping flak for what he may or may not have said, but at least he turned up. Ian Adair, Hunters Hill
It’s our human duty to condemn killings in Gaza
It is not antisemitic to criticise Israel’s government for its killing of 34,000 Palestinians and widespread destruction of cities, homes and hospitals in Gaza (Letters, April 30). Many of your letter writers overlook the fact that families with children who are protesting here in Australia are likely to have relatives and friends among the dead. And even if we don’t, it is simple human empathy to care about the murder of innocent civilians and protest against it. It is a luxury to live in this safe country. Let’s not forget our human duty to care for those in less fortunate parts of the world. Penny Szentkuti, Tempe
Sydney Uni pro-Palestine encampmentCredit: Steven Siewert
Children are the most numerous victims of Israel’s bombing attacks on Gaza. Children in Australia are not being “taught” to protest, they are protesting against what they see and hear is happening to families and children just like them in this senseless war. In democratic Australia, freedom of the press allows us all to be informed about the good and the bad in this world. Children, with their families, are right to protest on behalf of their peers in this current situation. Marjory Ellsmore, Glebe
Despite the despicable acts of Hamas I find it difficult to understand how “the only liberal, democratic and truly inclusive nation state in the Middle East” could justify the ongoing slaughter of civilians, many of them innocent women and children and the destruction of their homeland. There has got to be a better way. Peter Singer, Hamilton South
It is disappointing to see so many of your correspondents expressing concern about children being used in protests but not commenting on what is surely the more significant issue here, the thousands upon thousands of children being killed in Gaza by the IDF. Richard Tainsh, Potts Point
Your correspondent is wrong in calling Israel an “inclusive nation state” when they practice apartheid. I would rather see children at a protest than being blown to pieces in their thousands. Graeme Finn, Earlwood
A stunning lack of creativity coming from students at our leading academic institutions. Same tents, same copycat chants and same monochrome lack of tolerance. Like a tied cover version of the US college original. Doesn’t say much for the innovation coming from the country’s top-tier universities.
Simon Pitts, Riverview
I am very disappointed in my alma mater, Sydney University, allowing such inappropriate behaviour within its grounds, especially the use of children in the demonstrations. Even during the Vietnam War student behaviour was more restrained, despite what occurred in the US. This goes well beyond free speech; it is depriving Jewish students of their right to attend classes in safety, and it is indoctrinating children in the most offensive antisemitism. This war will end, despite the demonstrations, not because of them, just as it did in Vietnam, when the parties involved see no further value in pursuing it.
Vivienne Parsons, Thornleigh
Morrison has the write stuff
Rather than heaping criticism on Scott Morrison shouldn’t we be recognising that it’s less than three weeks since the former PM ceased employment as the Member for Cook and already he’s written and published a book (Letters, April 30)! Assuming Mr Morrison remained wholly committed to his constituents and Australian taxpayers up until the Cook by-election, that is an extraordinary achievement. Dean Fraser, North Balgowlah
Maths adds up
It’s great to read about improvements in maths results for girls (“Casual classes helping buck maths trend”, April 30), but it was the fact that teachers are providing opportunities for these learning gains “during their lunch break” that really caught my attention. In what other profession would workers be willing and happy to continue their daily slog in their free time? I can’t think of one. Teachers are certainly tops. Kerrie Wehbe, Blacktown
At Riverside Girls High, the success rate for advanced maths – the ratio of high scores to total HSC exams sat – rose from 12 per cent in 2019 to 25 per cent last year.Credit: Kate Geraghty
I take my hat off to those schools embracing the study of advanced maths and engaging our students. What is missing is the link of maths to the study of a wide range of disciplines in higher education. Having taught law for the past 30 years I am amazed at the value of mathematical reasoning to the logical findings arising from complex legal issues. The NSW Education Standards Authority needs to tap into this connection with revamped school curriculum for the humanities. Any other attempt is mere pi in the sky.
Michael Blissenden, Dural
Unhappy storey ending
The community must override the cry from the development lobby that six-storey apartment blocks is not enough (“Density plan must go higher, say developers”, April 30). This was obvious from the time the housing planning directive was imposed. Please Minister Scully listen to the local councils and residents and say no to even higher tower blocks because planning is a community activity not a money making pathway for a few. Chris Hornsby, Bayview
We reap what we sow. This is what happens when housing becomes an investment and not simply a basic need in society. Affordability goes out the window, especially for low to average wage earners. The first reaction is to build more, little of which is affordable, just makes the problem perpetuate. The solution? Just like the stock market, every now and then prices need to crash which levels the playing field. Of course, this will never happen due to massive social ramifications, and political suicide for any interference with the current sweeteners to invest in property. Some time in the future, this is not going to have a pretty ending. Wendy Janssens, Newport
A feel for Scrabble
Dirty Scrabble (Letters, April 30)? I’ll tell you dirty Scrabble! When the Scrabble tiles were made of wood, and we laid them out face down for selection, my dear mother was accused by the dear old ladies down the street of cheating (very politely) by knowing the timber patterns on the back of the tiles. Without defending her gamesmanship, I still have the set of tiles in the toiletry bag for subsequent blind selection. Still, she may have got the feel of the different tiles … Robert Hosking, Paddington
Shot in the arm
A universal flu vaccine which does not need to be updated every year has benefits primarily for pharmaceutical companies which presently must develop a new vaccine every year due to mutation of the virus (“Breakthrough for flu vaccine as season starts”, April 30). The question of greater interest to the public is the longevity of protection provided by the vaccine. Hopefully an annual flu shot will be unnecessary with benefits for general health and lower cost to the medical system. The major disappointment of the COVID vaccines was the waning of efficacy after six months, requiring continual booster shots to maximise immunity and the consequent problems of cost and difficulty in encouraging citizens to periodically access the inoculations. Geoff Harding, Chatswood
Heat is on
Reports of record high temperatures of 45 to 46 degrees in South-East Asia, which might last for the next two weeks, follows closely after Dubai received a year’s worth of rain in 24 hours, and severe flooding in southern China (“Dangerous heat kills dozens, closes schools, prompts four-day workweek”, April 30). “Unprecedented” storms, floods and bushfires appear to be weekly occurrences, and yet the Nationals and Liberals still dither and fight amongst themselves, arguing that there is no hurry to phase out fossil fuels. They then have the temerity to complain about government inaction over the cost of living, when food production becomes more expensive and insurance premiums have skyrocketed. Their lack of action, and active sabotage of climate mitigation over the last few decades should be front and centre of any voter’s mind at the next election.
Alan Marel, North Curl Curl
Recent heat waves in Asia are a harbinger of what we will all face if we do not take climate change seriously. The scientific evidence on global warming has been clear for decades, yet there are still those who insist that it’s either not happening, not our fault, not a problem or not solvable. None of these things are true, but if we go on accepting them to be such, we’ll deny our children the future we all want for them. Like a long-time smoker who’s been urged to quit by doctors, we need to act urgently. If we let the problem metastasise, our fossil fuel addiction will go on to kill us. Ken Enderby, Concord
Just not golf
I see that the future of golf is in the good hands of organisers who care about patron’s safety as well as the environment (Letters, April 30). A bottle of water at LIV is sold without the lid. Apparently it makes the bottle much safer when it is hurled as a projectile on the fun holes. And no need for a glass to drink from when you can use your shoe. Keith Hartmann, Bowral
A tarnished Crown
It’s welcome news that there is a “lack of customers” at Crown Casinos (“Crown to cut 1000 jobs in latest restructure”, April 30). The staff who have been made redundant can now look for more useful employment elsewhere, where we are told staff are wanted. They should be offered training to move out of this loathsome industry into jobs which benefit society. Judith Campbell, Drummoyne
The right to belong
Telling her to “piss off back to Pakistan” on social media is hurtful (“Ultimate racist slur”: Faruqi pursues Hanson in court over tweet”, April 30). “Go back to where you came from” is also discriminatory and unreasonably dismissive of people’s right to belong in a community simply because of their differences. If anything, it reflects the speaker’s strong prejudice and intolerance. Steve Ngeow, Chatswood
Mehreen Faruqi and Pauline Hanson outside the Federal Court in Sydney on Monday.Credit: Nick Moir
Private privileges
Margery Evans from the Association of Independent Schools of NSW claims that 22 per cent of private school students have a disability (Letters, April 29). But what is the percentage of students who have a financial disadvantage? Todd Hillsley, Homebush
LNP’s net zero blank
Remarkably it looks like the LNP will achieve net zero with its yet-to-be-revealed energy policy (Letters, April 26). That is, net zero chance of it being passed by parliament should they win government. Net zero chance of MPs putting their hands up to have a nuclear power plant in their electorate and net zero chance that it will ever happen. John Bailey, Canterbury
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