GAIL to commission its first green hydrogen project in April, ET EnergyWorld


<p>The unit is expected to produce about 4.3 metric tons of hydrogen per day, with a purity of about 99.999% by volume, and would use renewable power. </p>
The unit is expected to produce about 4.3 metric tons of hydrogen per day, with a purity of about 99.999% by volume, and would use renewable power.

State-run natural gas company GAIL (India) Ltd plans to commission its first green hydrogen project in central India in April, three company sources said.

The 10-megawatt proton exchange membrane electrolyser for the green-hydrogen producing unit at the Vijaipur complex in Madhya Pradesh state has been imported from Canada, they added.

“Once the initial hiccups are sorted at the commissioning stage, we expect to start producing in a month’s time,” one of the sources said. The sources declined to be named as they are not authorised to speak to the media.

The unit is expected to produce about 4.3 metric tons of hydrogen per day, with a purity of about 99.999% by volume, and would use renewable power. India aims to reach 5 million tons of annual green hydrogen production capacity by 2030.

The company’s communication office did not respond to a Reuters request for comment.

  • Published On Apr 18, 2024 at 08:02 AM IST

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